Do you hide your drinking from other people?
Why do we need to lie about drinking too much? Why are we quite happy to drink alcohol every day, but then somehow defensive when someone asks how much we have had to drink?
Should we worry about having a problem with alcohol?
There seems to be a problem with the mentality around drinking when we know that it will make us feel bad, but yet we continue to drink too much alcohol. There is a tug of war going on inside our heads every day that compels us to keep drinking alcohol, and our conscience which is warning us that too much alcohol will make us feel bad.
We tend to surround ourselves with like minded friends who will not judge us when we have a problem with drinking alcohol every day, and we hide the amount we drink from those who care about us. Why do you hide you drinking from our loved ones, just so that we can keep on drinking alcohol every day? Denial of the problem just seems to make it worse, and the consequences of drinking every day just seem to catch up with us eventually.
What are the consequences of drinking alcohol every day?
Do you ever worry about driving under the influence of alcohol? Are you concerned that once you have started drinking that you will drink too much alcohol, and won’t be able to drive home? Or do you have a couple of drinks, and just hope everything will be okay?
Do you worry about the effects of drinking too much alcohol last night will have on your ability to drive the next day? Have you ever seen Police breath testing during the morning commute to work, and been worried whether you might have had too much to drink last night? Do you worry that someone at work will know that you have been drinking too much?
Not a nice feeling is it? And what can we do about it? That is the problem with alcohol, even when we worry about these things afterwards, the fear of getting caught does not seem to be able to prevent us from drinking alcohol every day.
Don’t get caught out
I always used to be concerned that I was drinking too much alcohol, and even though it became a regular thing to drink every day, the burden of guilt and worry just seemed to get worse and worse. Eventually it felt like I needed to drink every day to relax, when in reality, it was the problem with alcohol that was causing most of my stress.
We all lead stressful lives these days, and life sure does get very busy sometimes. But why do we waste so much time around drinking alcohol every day, when we could be making better use of that wasted time? It is true that we need some time to relax and enjoy ourselves, but how often do you find that drinking too much actually steals valuable time from your day, and ruins your intentions to get thing done.
Drinking too much can ruin tomorrow as well as today!
It just doesn’t make sense to feel stressed, feel too busy or frantic that we turn to alcohol to relieve the stress and tension. The problem with alcohol is that it actually causes our stress to pile up, it makes us feel bad, and it doesn’t make the stress go away, it just postpones it until tomorrow. No matter how much we wish the problems would go away, drinking alcohol just makes it worse.
Do you worry about how much alcohol is safe to drink?
Drinking too much alcohol can tend to become a vicious cycle. The more we worry about things, the more stressed we feel. When we get too stressed we tend to drink too much, and there is the problem with alcohol. There is whole range of problems that can drive us to drink too much, such as these behaviors:
- Do you hide your drinking from others?
- Have a tendency to drink too much alcohol?
- Lie about the amount of alcohol you drink?
- Deceive others or even yourself?
- Deny there is a problem?
- Does drinking make you feel bad?
You are not the problem!
No matter how bad you might be feeling about this, it is important to realise that it is not your fault! The problem is caused by alcohol. There is no need to feel guilt, or shame or depression.
You are not alone!
There are millions of people, who drink too much alcohol, and drinking problems are caused by our social acceptance of alcohol as an everyday drug. Especially as our cultural conditioning that tells us it is okay to drink alcohol every day.
Why is alcohol socially acceptable?
Most people will fiercely defend their right to drink as much alcohol as they want to, and I am not trying to change that. What I think is important is that we understand that alcohol is an addictive and mind altering drug that affects all people differently.
Do you hide your drinking from others, or do you find that denial is your common fallback position, or are just plain sick and tired of hiding your tendency to drink too much alcohol – then click here to read more about a much happier alternative.