Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the kitchen – look out for Great White Poisons!
In terms of lifestyle choices, there are some things that we need to be aware of, and in general terms, the more processed our foods, then the less healthy they are to eat. Or drink.
If you are reading this blog to find some ways to change your lifestyle, or to lose weight, or to stop drinking alcohol, then it is important to understand about the great white poisons.
What are the Great White Poisons?
In summary, the Great White Poisons are the highly processed, high calorie, low nutrition foods such as:
- Refined White Sugar
- Sweet cakes
- White Wine
- White Flour
- Soda drinks
- White Salt
- White Milk
- Sweet cakes
- White Bread
- Dough nuts
- White pasta
- White rice
You may ask; why is white wine listed alongside these other white poisons? In just the same way that highly processed foods add excess calories to our diet while adding very little in nutritional value. All of these great white poisons are known to be detrimental to our lifestyle. Yet we tend to add additional amounts of these to our diet, and they are not necessary for health.
Unfortunately for those who enjoy drinking a daily dose of white wine, there is no health benefit from drinking white wine. In fact, there is a huge amount of excess calories in every glass of white wine. This means there is an overload of calories when we drink white wine, and if this wasn’t bad enough, then the alcohol can also cause a risk of developing illness in the future.
What is wrong with the Great White Poisons?
The essential problem is when foods are highly processed, the valuable nutrients and vitamins are removed. In the search for the perfect dough, cakes and biscuits, the humble wheat grain has been heavily modified and processed to a state where it contains no food value. The same is true with sugar which is typically refined to a state of pure whiteness, and even salt which tends to be over refined. Even milk is highly processed such that any perceived benefit from drinking it has been removed.
When food has been over refined to such a state as we have become accustomed to buying in the shops, it has become less about the nutrients, and more about the appearance. White. The problem here is that when the nutrients have been removed, all that is left is the calories. (Or in the case of salt, from which we get too much sodium) We all consume a sufficient amount of calories and salt in our normal daily diet, so there is no need for additional calories and sodium. Yet we tend to add additional calories and salt to almost everything these days. And this is on top of an already ample amount of these elements.
White Bread is a Great White Poison!
One of the best examples of Great White Poisons which should be avoided is White Bread. White bread may have been a common part of our diet when we were young. And maybe it is still is an element of your diet now? But despite any belief that we may have about the benefits of eating bread, there is very little food value in the average loaf of white bread. In fact, the opposite is true. Because white bread is made from highly processed white flour, the healthy elements of the wheat have been removed. To make matters worse, the white bread has additional white sugar and white salt to make it taste better! It really makes you wonder why?
But wait – there’s more!
The ultimate irony comes when we see foods that need to be supplemented with extra vitamins and additives. This is because the goodness has been removed. Insane! It is common nowadays to see bread that is advertised with supplemented vitamins and nutrients for health. This is simply because the highly processed white flour is devoid of any nutrients, so the food has to be supplemented. Likewise, we can buy milk that has been supplemented with so called healthy additives – why should this be necessary?
And then there are sweets, dough nuts and soda drinks
You’ve probably already figured out that these sweet treats are unnecessary, but they are also great white poisons. This is due to the excessive content of white sugar and white flour. There is absolutely no food value in these sweet treats. There is also absolutely no need to consume these foods for an energy boost – in fact the opposite is true. These foods may give a momentary lift, followed by a hangover of tiredness and lethargy, as your blood sugar plumets. Which only make you feel worse.
What do the Great White Poisons do to the body?
The reasons these Great White Poisons are bad for us is because of the way our body has to go into overdrive to metabolise all the additional calories. When we consume a lot of calories, our body has to digest the food. Then, the body has to produce a flood of insulin to handle all the excess sugar. So we actually experience a roller coaster of too much sugar, then a hangover of too much insulin. Consequently, this leaves us hungry again in no time. Rather than eating to feel fulfilled, we actually need to eat again in a short time, which inevitably means adding more calories to our already overloaded diet. This is a very dangerous roller coaster ride, both in terms of a short term health, and for our long term lifestyle. This can cause a high risk of becoming overweight and developing diabetes in the future.
In conclusion – avoid the Great White Poisons
The best way to ensure better health and better lifestyle is to avoid the Great White Poisons. What we really need to do is avoid highly processed and over refined foods. That means that we need to focus on eating whole foods such as fruits and vegetables. This may involve more home cooking to avoid getting trapped in the fast food mentality.
Do you need to cut back?
In some cases, it may be difficult to avoid the Great White Poisons altogether. So we need to find ways to cut back on how many of the great white poisons we consume. For example, if we are trying to lose weight, then it is not worth the trouble of dieting every day of the week, only to splurge on the weekend on sweet cakes and dough nuts. It simply won’t work! Spare yourself the pain!
How to stop drinking
And it the same with trying to cut back on alcohol. White wine especially contains a lot of excess calories. So if you are trying to lose weight, but just can’t seem to shake it, then you may need to cut back on drinking. In fact, if you want to be serious about changing your lifestyle, then we recommend to stop drinking completely. If this seems too difficult, we can assure you that there is a way to quit drinking, and we would love to show you how!
Click here to access our free guide for help to stop drinking today!